📄️ addcolumn
Adds a new column using the provided column name with each row containing the provided value. The value can be a template that includes tokens from the results of the previous stage. The addcolumn command can also be the first command of a query.
📄️ api
Constructs and sends an http request.
📄️ auth
Browser authenticate with a supported provider (okta|splunk|basic). The returned
📄️ average
Returns the average value for the provided column.
📄️ branch
Starts a new branch, all stages following the branch command will be run on the root of the first branch, until another branch command or a mergebranches command.
📄️ contains
Filter columns containing the provided string
📄️ countOf
Counts instances of a value for the provided column
📄️ curl
Curl stands for client URL, it is a free command-line tool for transferring files with URL syntax. The curl implementation in crul is a small subset of the most common HTTP tasks performed with curl. See the api for a full featured HTTP client.
📄️ devices
Devices and associated viewport properties that can be emulated.
📄️ diff
Diffs the incoming results against a previously frozen set of results in the cellar (if the file does not exist in the cellar, a new one will be created). This command can use flags to control overwriting the cellar comparison file to include new entries, and/or remove old entries.
📄️ duplicate
Duplicates a result set.
📄️ echo
Echos back input.
📄️ encode
Encodes a column to the provided encoding
📄️ endswith
Filter columns ending with the provided string
📄️ evaluate
Evaluate a JavaScript expression and return results.
📄️ excludes
Excludes rows containing the provided string in the provided column
📄️ extract
Extracts keys and values from the provided column containing stringified JSON
📄️ fail
Just fails.
📄️ fillEmpty
Fills empty column values
📄️ filter
Filters results based on the provided expression
📄️ find
Finds any of the provided strings
📄️ flatten
Take a nested Javascript object and flatten it.
📄️ fnmatch
Find a string in provided column using a provided fnmatch pattern
📄️ form
Populate a form based on selector/value pairs and invoke a click
📄️ freeze
Freezes results for retrieval using the thaw command
📄️ graphql
Runs a query against a GraphQL API.
📄️ groupBy
Groups rows based on the provided column
📄️ hash
Hashes the provided columns
📄️ head
Returns the top [count] results from subsequent results.
📄️ html
Extract the matching html elements from the provided column. Defaults to a selector '*'.
📄️ identify
Identifies matching known patterns (Credit Card Numbers, Social Security Numbers, Crypto Addresses, Email Addresses, Phone Numbers). Can optionally provide columns to only check provided columns rather than scanning the entire row.
📄️ join
Joins rows from a previously labeled stage using the provided column as a join key
📄️ jsonvalidate
Validate each row against a JSON schema
📄️ keyContains
Useful for working with nested data sets with unique key values. Returns the value of a key matching the provided regex. Additional keys from that level can be provided. For example: keyContains "body$" id would return any key matching the "body$" regex (ex. data.nested.body, data.nested.nested.body), as well as the key id at that level (ex. data.nested.id, data.nested.nested.id).
📄️ logparser
parses a log file with specified parameters
📄️ logs
Returns system and (non query) worker logs.
📄️ lowercase
Transforms the provided columns to lowercase strings
📄️ math
Runs the mathematical expression provided. The equal sign must be on the left side of the expression (ex. math "sum = 10 + column") and columns used in the expression should have type number as row values (5 - ok vs. "5" - fail). See the tonumber command for casting/converting string values to numbers.
📄️ max
Find the max value of a column
📄️ melt
Extracts keys and values from the provided column containing stringified JSON (if no column is provided, the row is considered to be an array)
📄️ merge
Merges rows based on the provided column
📄️ mergebranches
Ends a branching operation by merging all previous branches into a single results set.
📄️ mergecolumn
Merges all values in the provided column(s) from ALL rows, split by a delimiter.
📄️ mergecolumns
Merges all values for the provided columns in EACH row, split by a delimiter.
📄️ min
Returns the minimum value for the provided column
📄️ navigate
Capture Cookie, localStorage and sessionStorage from page navigate lifecyle (load page, do something, load new page).
📄️ normalize
Extracts keys and values from the provided column containing stringified JSON (if no column is provided, the row is considered to be an array)
📄️ oauth
Client authentication for the OAuth 2.0 authorization framework.
📄️ open
Opens a url in a web browser and returns the matching HTML elements.
📄️ parsepath
Extract out the root, directory, base, ext, and name from a file path.
📄️ postman
Runs a Postman collection by reading a JSON collection file stored on disk.
📄️ parseTimestamp
Parses the provided timestamp containing column into a date.
📄️ prompt
Returns the response to a prompt sent to a GPT.
📄️ vectorize
Creates an embedding vector for each row of the previous set of results.
📄️ vectorload
📄️ vectorquery
📄️ parseHTMLTable
Extracts tables from a provided html column and converts them to JSON rows of objects.
📄️ parseArticle
Extracts an article from raw HTML.
📄️ random
Creates a column (named "name") of random values between "start" and "end"
📄️ range
Creates a column (named "name") of values from "start" to "end"
📄️ regex
Returns rows from the previous stage results containing the provided regex pattern.
📄️ rename
Renames a column
📄️ replace
Replaces the "replaced" string with the "replacer" string in each result of the provided column
📄️ requests
A summary of all external requests made from a url. NOTE: This is a slower operation as all requests are processed.
📄️ runTemplate
Runs a saved template from the local template store or library
📄️ scrape
The general swiss-army knife for execution of arbitrary JavaScript in an <html> document.
📄️ screenshot
Take a screenshot of a specified element from an <html> document.
📄️ seed
Seeds following commands with user submitted data
📄️ selector
Opens a url in a web browser and returns the matching HTML elements.
📄️ sequence
Creates a new column starting from a zero based index that increments per row.
📄️ sh
Runs the provided shell command.
📄️ sleep
Just sleeps.
📄️ slice
Returns the column value from the provided starting index to the provided ending index.
📄️ soap
Runs a query against a soap API.
📄️ sort
Sorts values in provided column
📄️ split
Splits column by delimiter into values
📄️ startswith
Filter columns starting with the provided string
📄️ sum
Sums up all the row values of one or more columns
📄️ synthesize
Synthesizes results from a provided set of columns which can be grouped together, can also take a prompt flag to provide a GPT prompt to describe the desired synthesized data set.
📄️ table
Tabluates data to a csv format for the provided fields
📄️ tag
Tags results based on the provided expression, rows matching the expression will be tagged with the provided value in the provided column
📄️ thaw
Thaws a set of previously frozen results into the query pipeline
📄️ timestamp
Adds a timestamp value to each result
📄️ tonumber
Converts each column value to a number
📄️ top
System health and active workers including error reporting.
📄️ tostring
Converts each column value to a string
📄️ unique
Removes rows containing duplicate values for provided columns
📄️ untable
📄️ urldecode
URL decodes each column value. See MDN decodeURIComponent for specification.
📄️ urlencode
URL encodes each column value. See MDN encodeURIComponent for specification.
📄️ verify
Verifies that a column is properly signed