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Querying an asynchronous API (Splunk Query)

Many services, such as query engines like GCP BigQuery, AWS Athena, Splunk, etc. have asynchronous dispatch APIs for running queries. This means that you can dispatch a query against these services, get back a job id, which you can then poll for status/completion before accessing the results. This is a common API pattern, and is supported by the crul api command syntax.

Querying an asynchronous API is usually a three step process:

  • Dispatching the job
  • Polling for the job to complete
  • Reading the results

Each of these steps can be contained in a crul query stage. Let's use the dispatch of a Splunk query as an example.

Example: Splunk Query​

Note: this query runs against the Splunk free tier, so authentication is not needed.

Full Query​

addcolumn search "index=main"
|| urlencode search
|| api post http://localhost:8000/services/search/jobs
--headers '{"Content-Type": "x-www-form-urlencoded"}'
--data "search=$search$"
--verifySSL false
--serializer xml
|| api post http://localhost:8000/services/search/jobs/$response.sid.0$
--verifySSL false
--serializer xml
--while 'entry.content.0.s:dict.0.s:key.6.textContent != "DONE"'
|| api get $$/results?output_mode=json
--verifySSL false
--serializer json
|| table results.*
|| normalize results

Stages 1-3: Dispatching the job​

addcolumn search "index=main"
|| urlencode search
|| api post http://localhost:8000/services/search/jobs
--headers '{"Content-Type": "x-www-form-urlencoded"}'
--data "search=$search$"
--verifySSL false
--serializer xml

This first stage will create a search column with our Splunk search using the addcolumn command.

We will then urlencode the search.

Next we will post the search to the http://localhost:8000/services/search/jobs endpoint using the api command. We are using flags to control the --headers and --data to send with our request, as well as turning off SSL verification and setting xml as our serialization (the Splunk api returns xml by default).

Stage 4: Polling for the job to complete​

|| api post http://localhost:8000/services/search/jobs/$response.sid.0$
--verifySSL false
--serializer xml
--while 'entry.content.0.s:dict.0.s:key.6.textContent != "DONE"'

Our polling stage will use the api command against an endpoint that returns the status of the search job. We are using the same SSL verification and serialization flags as in the previous stage, but note the --while flag, which takes an expression to run on the results of the stage. If the expression is false, the stage will run again. This translates to polling the endpoint until the search's state changes to DONE.

Note the $response.sid.0$ value in the request url. This is a template value derived from the results of the previous dispatch stage. It is the id of the job.

Stages 5-7: Reading the results​

|| api get $$/results?output_mode=json
--verifySSL false
--serializer json
|| table results.*
|| normalize results

The final stages will retrieve the results, and process/normalize them for further processing in crul or export to another system.